Outrageous Grace Every Day: Daily Reflections on the Gospels Hope by Mary DeMuth

"Outrageous  Grace Every Day"  by  Mary DeMuth  is a  90  day devotional.  This  book is  written by Mary DeMuth in a personal   and  practical  approach.  She  shares  a passage of  scripture and  gives the back round of the passage.  She   also  gives  an  application passage to the message and a prayer.  The devotional is well written and the passages to read are not too long.   I  really  found this  devotional helpful and personable.  It is  good for busy people  This book  will give  the reader a  deeper understanding to  the book of Romans. .  I  appreciate the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read and review  this  book.   The opinions of this  book are my own .  I am sharing this review with facebook,  netgalley, Goodreads, my blog, the pastoral staff at my church.


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