Light My fire (Summer of the burning Sky vol. 1)

Review for  Light My Fire ( Summer of the Burning Sky  vol. 1):
This is an amazing book. It is an exciting world of racing to get the fires out. It draws the reader to know what coming next. The firemen in the story are from Montana and go to Alaska to fight the fire. You will find lots of good and evil . The team work and support of the firemen are so strong in the book. Life is interesting and the characters are well developed. It is hard to put the book down since you are wondering what is around the bend and will it be good or evil. The Christian values and character prevails and the reader sees the high principle lived out! It is bound to be a very popular series and read by many. I highly recommend this first book and look forward to the future book in the series! This book was given to me to review and promote the book for the upcoming release on June 19th! I am excited to see the wonderful future response. It presents a positive view of firemen. It shows their determination and true desire to help mankind in their difficult time when their lives are at risk! It is great to recognize their sacrifice! this book gave me an inside view of what sacrifices firemen and their families face each day! I applaud Susan May Warren for a wonderful book!

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