Hope in the Dark by Craig Groeschel

You will find the review   below of  Hope in the Dark  by Craig  Groeschel.
The book Hope in the Dark is a practical, personal teaching on how to approach trials. It is a very valuable tool for the Christian life. He uses the prophet Habakkuk faced trials as He watched the injustices in his country. He approaches trials in these steps: doubting, waiting, embracing and with God's goodness. He thanks God for who He is first and then thanks Him for all He is doing in His life. God's character ; such as , His faithfulness, sovereignty, kindness, mercifulness, slow to anger,, every present, all knowing, just, holy, loving is what the author tells the reader to focus on during trials. We can count on His qualities in our life even when things are changing and difficult around us. We can look to the Lord God to see us through the storms by viewing the trials through is character which is constant and unchanging. God has used the Innocence Project run by Anthony Graves to overturning legal injustice in our country. In the Bible Job, Lamentations, Jeremiah expressed their doubts and questions to God. We are supposed to bring our questions also to God during our difficult trials and He will show Himself to us. David also had an honest heart about His doubts and questions to God during His trials. We want immediate answers during our times of trials but God does not work this way. He wants us to cling to Him. Philip Yancey said, "Endurance is not just the ability to turn a hard thing but to turn it into glory." We do not have to understand the why of the trials to trust and accept God's means to wrestle , embrace God's heart and intentions. I highly recommend this amazing book for the Christian to know how to make it through the many storms or trials in this life. "I will find my strength in the Lord and reach new heights." Hab 3:19. The book is so rich in truths that you can read it many times to get the many truths in the book for your life. The book was given to me by netgalley to read and review the book before it is released. Thank you for this opportunity and thank you again to the publisher for giving me the opportunity.


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