Unshakeable Hope by Max Lucado

Review of Unshakeable Hope  by Max Lucado:

     Unshakeable Hope is a very helpful and practical book. It draws the reader to remember all the many promises of God. There are promises for our weariness by coming to Him when we are tired . We are to stand and believe the promises of God are for us and can be used in our life. We are stamped with His image.W
    e do  not  have any condemnation since we are God's . We have been given victory over death according to 1 Cor. 15:54. God also does not like it when we are proud according to 1 Peter 5:5. He guides us to have a humble spirit . We need to know when we pray great things will happen according to James 5:16. He wants us to have an believing heart when we bring prayer requests to Him. Max showed how much He loved His unborn granddaughter before we were born as a comparison with how much God loves us. He also reminded us since people are made in God's image we should treat others with honor and respect since they are made in His image. He took the promises and used many stories to make them real and personal for our every day life. He reminds us to trust no one but God when the storms come . He writes in a personal way to help us walk through each trial we face and use the promises each day. His book is very helpful for any Christian . Are you standing on the promises of God ? We have been given such treasurers in these promises for our every day life. I was given this book online for review purposed from Netgalley.
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    Here is a quote from the new book Light My Fire which is coming out on Tuesday! It is a suspense filled book. The reader and follow the scenes and will be eager to find out what is coming next . Look for it on Amazon. You will be in for a real treat.
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    5/5: This is an amazing book. It is an exciting world of racing to get the fires out. It draws the reader to know what coming next. The firemen in the story are from Montana and go to Alaska to fight the fire. You will find lots of good and evil . The team work and support of the firemen are so strong in the book. Life is interesting and the characters are well developed. It is hard to put the book down since you are wondering what is around the bend and will it be good or evil. The Christian values and character prevails and the reader sees the high principle lived out! It is bound to be a very...
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    In this true, compelling account of perseverance and hope from Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll's assistant, a young journalist walks on to a top-ranked USC football team and, guided by his faith, shares God's love, launching him on an unexpected journey with an amazing outcome.Had anyone told Ben Mal...
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