Lady of Tarpon Springs by Judith Miller

"The Lady of Tarpon Springs  by  Judith Miller  is a  fiction book. This book takes  place in Tarpon Springs, Florida.   Zanna  Krykos  is from a Greek family and a lawyer.  She is  friends with Lucy who is a medical doctor.   Lucy asks her advice   about  the  sponging  business  she inherited from her father.   After  getting the advice  Lucy  asked  Zanna to run the business. It is really   not an easy  business to run.   There are lots of challenges. Nico  Kalos  has  worked in the sponging business for many years.  He  worked in the Aegean Sea and had  a lot of knowledge about the business. He led a group of  spongers  for the company to the United States.   Zanna has a    father with strong  ideas related to the Greek culture. He  wants  Zanna to marry a Greek.  He  does not like her being a lawyer. How will  Zanna handle the challenges with the Greek culture, her  father's   desires and  manage the business?     This book was given to me by the publisher to read and review and the opinions are mine and not given to me by  the publisher.


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