A Faithful Gathering by Leslie Gould

A Faithful  Gathering "  is  and Amish fiction book by  Leslie  Gould.  This book is part of the Sisters of Lancaster County  series.  Leisel  left her  Amish ( from the Lancaster area)   upbringing to   obtain a nursing  career.  Her mother was not  supportive of her  studying nursing. Her  Father   took an interest in the medical field.  He  got sick with cancer.   Leisel was close to him and took care of him.    After  taking care of him she  decided  to   study nursing.  When  she was studying nursing she met  Nick Jordan.    When the  book starts out  Leisel  was  working at a nursing facility and  had  finished nursing school.  She had her  nursing graduation  and  had  expected to see her  family   at the ceremony.  Nick  came to the  ceremony  but  not  her sister Marie.  She   found out  graduation night that  Marie  was in the hospital  with stomach   problems.  She remembered that Marie  had been sharing with her about her stomach  problems a month before.    She had so much on her mind with the end of  her nursing studies  that  she forgot to check in with Marie.   After  graduation she was faced with   Marie's  health  situation ,  preparing for her nursing boards and   her  current  nursing  job.  She   went to see  Marie as soon as she  was able to do so.  Marie's  doctors  ordered tests to determine   what  was the cause of her stomach problems.   Marie   stepped in  to  read Marie's  medical chart,   talk to the doctors, care for Marie and her  family.    In  time Marie was   diagnosed with stomach  cancer.  Leisel  was   torn with   her concern for her  sister and   preparing for her nursing exam.  She   had trouble   studying mentally  for her nursing  exam  and  thinking  about all her sister's needs. Nick  told her  he  was strongly considering  entering the military   to help with his  school expenses.   His  desire  to  enter  military life conflicted with  her   nonresistant Amish  views.   She   tried to  avoid any  discussions about the military with Nick until  Nick told her  He was  about  to  enter    his military  training   soon.   At the same time Marie  was  diagnosed with  stomach cancer,  Leisel  failed her   nursing board  test  and  she kept hoping   Nick would  change his mind about the  military.   After   failing the nursing  exam  she  had her doubts about   if she should  continue  to  purse  the nursing  field.  Nick    wanted to help her study and agreed to travel to the Amish area  to help her.  She  was also  taking care of her sister.  Her  sister had   surgery , then  chemotherapy and then radiation for her cancer.  Leisel  also  took care of  her sister's children and helped her sister.    She   passed the  nursing   board   exam when she took it  a second time. When Nick ended up  going off to   the military   for training and   Leisel and Nick  broke off their  relationship.   After  Leisel and Nick  broke up   Leisel got a nursing job  at a facility   many  Amish people went to for medical   care.   Her  Aunt Suz   shared  the  story  about her grandfather and  his relationship with  her grandmother  which He met  during World War  11.  It  was a beautiful story  about loving someone during  war times   .  He  had  a lot of uncertainty about  if his  wife would  be willing to live in  Lancaster  since  she  was  not Amish.  He  also   had nonresistant views  about the military.   He  had to enter the military due to the  war.  He  suffered many trials during the war.   He  fell in love  with   a girl that  became his wife.  The story made   Leisel wonder what she  should  do  about  Nick  since she  really  did  love him  even though  He   did not  agree with her nonresistant  views.   Leisel is a deeply caring person and  really grow s on the reader.   What will become of  Leisel and her love for Nick and  his love  for  her?    What  will happen to Marie?   The story   shows the  challenges of being  Amish and not always  agreeing with  the  Amish  views. The Amish  rules are  not flexible and very rigid.  It  is difficult  to  do  follow  the  views.  I appreciate   netgalley and the publisher for   allowing me to read and review this   wonderful  book.   It is  well written and quite endearing!   I left the  book thinking about the wonderful  characters and remembering the   precious story.


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