The Rebel Heart by Beth White

Review of  The Rebel Heart  by  Beth White:

The   Rebel  Heart takes place  during the Reconstructive  Era right  after the Civil War.   The scene is  a Mississippi  plantation.   The plantation owners  end up being   three  girls since   their  Dad  was  thought to have died and  their Mother had  died.    The plantation is  hard to  run with the  expenses and  is at  risk of  being  lost to debt.   Selah  and her    sisters   work to restore  the  plantation into a hotel.   The reader  sees the  historical challenges  for the time period.   The plantation had   black workers  before the restoration and  they were invited back to work.   The workers were slaves before so it  was a risk to  hire   them.   There were many other challenges with the property including scandals.   Selah is a sharp business person and holds  her firm ground.  She  has the   help of Levi  Riggins  with the business  scandals  but in the midst of the troubles  she falls in love with  him and He with her.   It is a moving book.   She has a tender  heart in  the midst of  so many challenges. #The Rebel  Heart#  was given to me by  Netgalley for review purposes.


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