Warfare : Winning the Spiritual Battle by Tony Evans

The book Warfare by Tony Evans is excellent. This book should be read by every Christian at least once. Tony teaches the Christian who Satan is, how He can hurt our lives, what strategies we need to have, how to proceed to use the strategies. The book is very positive and well written. The author has a personal style which feels like He is talking right to the reader and guiding them. He teaches the reader to remember God is working constantly in your life. He knows what is best for you . He is fighting for you even when things are dark. He wants the Christian to put on the armor and move forward each day. He goes through each part of the armor and reminds us to put it on. He tells us our sword is the word ( Bible) and we must be praying constantly. He also tells is to watch since Satan will put up fortresses if we do not forgive, not tell the truth and follow God's principles. This book is very highly recommended !

This book   was given by the publisher for review purposes. It will be released in September. 


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