Marriage Triggers by Amber Lia and Guy Lia

Marriage Triggers" is a Christian nonfiction book by  Amber Lie and  Guy Lia. We  live in a stressful and  fast paced world.  There are  many , many challenges  married couples have to  face today.  Couples need to know how to face and approach  these   challenges so their  relationship can  be stronger.   This  book is written by a husband and wife  team.   The   challenges  are approached by  a husband and wife  team so both the  male and female perspectives are presented.   The  issues  are  well presented from a Christian perspective.   It is important to  draw from Christian resources  and  a Christian world view to  solve these  challenges.   The  issues are presented  with a personal approach and very practical.  I highly  recommend this book for  counselors, and  any Christian couple.  The opinions are my own   of  this book.  Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book. Thank you  to netgalley  for allowing me to read and review this  very helpful book. I will be  sending my review to Amazon, facebook, my blog,, Goodreads,  our church staff.


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