Confessions of a Proverbs 32 Woman by Kerri Pomarolli

"Confessions of a Proverbs 32 Woman by Kerri Pomarolli    is a book about the proverbs  32 woman.  The author is a comedian and shares  the challenges  with  meeting the standards in   Proverbs 31.  It  addresses  real life issues as a Christian Woman  today. She  helps  us  laugh at  ourselves in this   book and see life  for what it is.  She is a best selling author. She  speaks  at churches all over and gives  women   a real perspective on meeting God realistically  as a Mom and Wife in  our busy  , demanding world.  It is wonderful she has written this book.  It  helps   women step  aside and  view  their lives  with a balanced perspective.   Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read and review this   practical and  humorous  book  I will post my review on facebook, netgalley, Goodreads, my blog, Amazon, for our church staff. 


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