When you Love a Prodigal by Judy Douglass

"When You Love a Prodigal" by Judy  Douglass is a  devotional.  The  book deals with the important topic of   prodigal children.  As a parent I feel for parents whose kids  become prodigals.  This parent  would be  filled with  so many difficult emotions.  God meets the parents where they are  at with all their  questions in this devotional.  There are different topics in each devotional with  scripture and then there are  questions of reflection.  I  admire  this  author  because she is real and open about  her  struggles in dealing with her  own prodigal.   There are many people who have prodigals and do not  have a resource  like this.  I  am hoping  by reading this  review people  will  read this book and get the help they  need so  as parents  they will not feel alone. Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for allowing me  to read and review  this book.  It is well  written and a very helpful resource. I will post my review on facebook, netgalley, Goodreads, my blog, Amazon and share it with the church staff.


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