The Roll of the Drums by Jan Drexler

"The Roll of the Drums" second in the Amish of Weaver's Creek Book series  by Jan Drexler  gives the reader  a peek at what  Amish life is like  .  The  story takes place in 1863. Ruby Weaver  lives with her sister and she is single.   Another family   came to  the  area and asked if they  could  stay  there . . The  book shows the theme  of loyalty  and devotion.  I admire  the  character of  Ruby.  She is  so  steadfast and faithful. and endearing.    The reader will  feel like they  are part of the story. The details of the story  are  so well written.  The  characters  are caught between  following the Amish rules vs   their own integrity.   The opinions of this story are my own.  Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.  Thank you also to netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.  I am posting my  review on Amazon, my blog, facebook,, Goodreads, for church staff.


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