Shelter of the Most High by Connilyn Cossette

Shelter  of  the Most  High  is  written  by  Connilyn Cossette.   It is a  Biblical  fiction book  and also has  some history  in the book.   It is the  second book in the series Cities of Refuge.  The  second book  takes off  where the first  ended but adds some new  characters  Sofea and  Prezi.   Sofea and Prezi    are on the sea   on the Island of  Sicily     and  their   boat is taken over  by marauders. Prezi  is handicapped and the cousin of Sofea.    They  end up in a foreign land and lose everything.     They meet Eithan who has  been living with Moriyah  his  adoptive  mother  in the city of refuge.   Eithan  is  attracted to  Sofea.     The city of refuge is supposed to protect people  who have innocently  hurt  , killed someone from   others who would hurt    them.   Eithan and Moriyah   have  been living  in Kadesh,  city of refuge for  11 years and have suffered  post traumatic  stress.  Eithan has wanted to learn how to  fight with Derek, his step  father, but   for  years  Derek does not want   him to venture out  of the city of refuge. He  fears  that his brother  will  kill  him over a dispute in which his sons were killed.    During the  story  Sofea and  Prezi  get  taken  and captured.  They became part of a   murder plot.  Eithan  does everything possible to  rescue   Prezi and Sofea to  safety.    It  proves to be challenging.  The story is a reminder that  God  is our refuge and wants to protect us and those in the  city of refuge  from harm.  It  paints the  Biblical history of the   times  Eithan  , Sofea,  Prezi lived.   It is  well written and helps the reader understand  Biblical history.    What will  become of   Sofea and Eithan's  relationship?    What will happen  with  Prezi and   Sofea?    Will they   get rescued to safety.  The book is well written and I would highly recommend it.   It  was given to me by the publisher and netgalley to read and review. I appreciate this opportunity and thank  netgalley and the publisher  very much. I look forward to  the  third book coming out in the series.


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