It is Not Supposed To Be this Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Life Finds you Shattered by Lysa Tern

It is  Not Supposed to Be this Way: Finding  Unexpected Strength  When  Disappointments Leave You  Shattered  by Lysa Terkeurst

t 's  Not  Supposed to Be  this Way  : Finding  Unexpected  Strength   When Disappointments  Leave  You Shattered"   Is a   Christian living  book and very practical.  Lysa is  very   candid and open about  the  real  struggles she is going through.   She  shares  about her   broken and  struggling marriage.  She  shares  about  her health issues.  She reminds the reader that   God is  still there  even when we are disappointed.   She  experienced a time when everything   went  wrong and  she wants us to know  God  will still  be there and    the reader should not   allow   their   thoughts  to  think  that God is not there or does not care for them. She    says  the devil wants us to be pulled away from   God  when  we  experience disappointments.   It is such a rich book  and vital for the tough world we live in.  She reminds us to read  God 's  word and remember that He  keeps His promises.  She  reminds us to continue reading God's word and not allow us  to  let   our  busy life and trials to keep us from   turning to God. and His word.  The  book comes with a study guide and DVDs  if the reader wants to purchase  them.  The  book would be   good for a group Bible study   or individual  study.   It  helps  our world  to hear about others  trials so they do not feel alone. I  think   if a  Women's  Bible study used  this   book for their study it would   sure be rich and  benefit  the  group to  reflect and share on how the book has impacted   their  lives with each other.  I appreciate  the publisher for sharing this book with me for a  review. I will share the book with  pastors, , facebook,  my blog,  Amazon, friends, Goodreads.   I hope  many people  read this book and experience  the rich   truths and  values in the book. .   It is a  very practical and useful book.


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