Face to Face with Jesus by Randy Alcorn

Face to  face with Jesus " by Randy Alcorn   is written  to  help the reader  see  Jesus for who He is.  We often   have a distorted   view of who Jesus is.  Dietrick  Bonhoeffer is  quoted in the book.   His quote is powerful. saying we  grow  accustomed to the divine love and are not awakened by  the idea of the divine love.  I find this powerful.   I  think  we  are often forgetful of the sacrifice  of what Jesus did on the cross  .  We forget   the suffering and pain for us.  The  quotes in the book help  me rethink how I see Jesus.   I  realize I  need to   relook at who He is to me   instead  of who He really is.  We need to ask God for a new   view of His suffering and love  to we can  reflect  that view in our daily life.     How do you view  Jesus in your life?  This book was given  to me for review purposes only   from the publisher through netgalley.  I appreciate this opportunity to review    this wonderful book.  I will share my reviews on my blog,  facebook, CBD, Goodreads,  with  pastors, friends and on Amazon.


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