Brave Face by Barbara Marlow and Teeba Furat Marlowe

Brave Face  " By Barbara Marlowe and Teeba  Furat Marlowe is   a nonfiction , inspirational  story.  When  Teeba was  19 months old she  was  burned   by    a bombing in Iraq  in the Diyala Provence. She had  burn  marks on her face , head, and hands.  Barbara  read  a story about what   happened to Teeba.  She was  asking for  someone to help her  with her  burns in a letter.   She  wanted   to  have the  burns  removed.   Barbara     worked to  help Teeba   with  one obstacle after another  to help  her  come to America and   then get the medical  help she needed.  It  took    a huge amount a perseverance  for Barbara to make it all happen. Once  Teeba came to  American for her medical  treatment she came with her grandmother.      The  story is so inspiring to   see  how   Teeba overcomes   many  odds to   go through so many surgeries.    It  took  years  for the surgeries to take place.   There are also many  cultural  differences  Barbara  and Teeba had to work with and overcome.   The story  goes back and forth  between  Barbara and Teeba's perspective.  It is a beautiful  story   encouraging the reader to overcome    their  personal challenges since Teeba  also  overcame her own challenges.   Will you   see the challenges  Teeba  and Barbara overcame?    The  book is well written and challenges the reader to move on  to see what will happen with Teeba.   Thank you  to the publisher and  netgalley  for allowing me to read and review this book.


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