"Champion" by Craig Johnson is a nonfiction book. Craig is a pastor. He shares his story about the ups and downs of raising an autistic son. He shares the ups and downs to help others in the same situation handle their situation. He started a club at their church called Champion Club for special needs kids and their families. Craig tells these families to pray strongly and constantly to handle their stresses. He also tells them to keep pressing on in the middle of their stresses and not give up. I commend him for writing such an encouraging book . The special needs population needs this encouragement since they face so many challenging times. It is important for the churches to have a special needs support group to encourage these families. He says their are very few churches that have the support group like Champion Club. Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for sharing this book with me to read and review. I look forward to sharing my review on my blog, facebook, CBD, Amazon, Goodreads, with pastors and friends at my church. It is wonderful Craig Johnson took the time to share and support these families since life really presents difficult challenges in their lives.
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