The Edge of Belonging by Amanda Cox

 #The Edge of Belonging# by  Amanda Cox  is a Women's   Christian fiction book.  Amanda is a blogger and curriculum  developer for a national  nonprofit youth leadership organization.  She has a bachelor's in  Bible and Theology and a Master's in  counseling. She has  had a decade of counseling.   This  book is the author's  debut  novel.   It is outstanding and  well written. The  characters are well developed and  the reader will   be drawn to their  weaknesses and struggles in their lives.   The struggles and weaknesses make the characters more real .  The themes are abandonment, loss, self sacrifice, unconditional  love.    Pearl is a  character I  admired.  She  cared for many people in the  story.  She extended herself  beyond  what many people do.  She  reached out to  a homeless man, took care of a baby , supported the   local minister and his wife,  volunteered for a local  nonprofit organization that  helped   hurting people. Pearl  made a huge impact on her world.  Thank you  to the author, netgalley, the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book. This book is  excellent, well written and hard to put  down.   I hope it is very successful. 


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