Becoming Elizabeth Elliot by Ellen Vaughn

#Becoming Elizabeth Elliot#   by Ellen Vaughn  is a Christian   biography.    Ellen Vaughn  is a former vice president of executive communications at Prison Fellowship. She speaks at  conferences and interviews people in the most hostile parts of the world.   She is  currently on the board of  directors for ICM, the global  church developer.  She is  respected  in the Christian world.   Elizabeth Elliot  has  written lots of well known books. She   was a missionary.  She  went to Wheaton College. She   looked up to Amy  Carmichael.  Her daily focus   was  to live   a life that is pleasing to  the Lord.  She   was raised learning about missionaries. She  and her husband  sacrificed their lives  working with   the unreached people  group  the Waodani  people in Ecuador.   They  translated the Bible in their  language.  This people group is  known for  not  wanting   outsiders in their area and killing intruders.   This  book is personable and  very inspiring.   The  author has  included   segments from Elizabeth Elliot's books.   I  highly recommend this book.   Any Christian  can learn  from her life example.  Thank you  to the author, netgalley, the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.  The  opinions  about this book are my own.


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