A Portriat of Loyalty (The Codebreakers #3) by Roseanna White

 # A Portrait of  Loyalty#   by   Roseanna White is historical fiction book. This book is the  3rd in the  Codebreakers  series.  It  takes place during World War I.  It is  a tense time.  There   are cryptographers and   work in the intelligence division.  They   decode messages from the enemy.   Lily Backwell  retouches and creates  pictures  .She works at the intelligence division.  She also works at the hospital.  There is terrible pandemic  that  occurs  during this time.  Lily sees  many people die from this  bad flu.   It is heart  breaking for her to   see many people die.  The story takes place in England. This story is well researched and give the reader an idea of   what   life was  like during World War  I.  The characters , setting are  sell described. Thank you to the publisher, netgalley, the author  for allowing   me to read and review  this book. I will post my review  on  Goodreads, netgalley, Bookbub, CBd.com, Bookbub.com,, Barnes and Noble.com, CBd.com,   my blog facebook and for the church staff.   


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