The Librarian of Boone's Hollow by Kim Vogel Sawyer

 #The Librarian of  Boone's Hollow# by Kim  Vogel Sawyer is a  historical fiction book.   Kim Vogel Sawyer  is  a  best selling author .   This story  takes place  just after  World War II.   The economy is  not  good. It is a hard time to find  employment.    The main  characters parents lost their home. Her father lost his job.    It  was   difficult for her parents to start over and for her Dad to job hunt.   There were many people out  Thank you  to the author, publisher, netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.  I will post my review on Goodreads, netgalley, booksamillion, bookhub, Barnes and Noble,    , my blog , facebook,and with church staff. 


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