Truly, Madly, Deeply by Karen Kingsbury

 #Truly, Madly,Deeply#  by Karen Kingsbury  is a  Christian Fiction   book. Karen Kingsbury  is a  best selling author.  Her   Baxter series books are going to be made into  a TV  show.  She teaches writing at Liberty  University. She and her  husband  adopted  3  boys  from  Haiti in 2001.  #Truly, Madly,Deeply#  is   in the Baxter  family series.   Tommy  is  part of the Baxter family.  Tommy   heard about  his  grandfather  who  died on the   .2011 bombings. He  never met him but  knew he sacrificed his life for  others.  Tommy    decided  He  wanted to be a policeman and sacrifice his life for others.   He   went on drive by  car  trips with other cops to experience the job.   He  developed a  real strong desire to help make  a difference in the world.  The characters are well described.  The   struggles and trials the characters experience are   very real in our world. The author has a beautiful way of bringing  scripture into the trials  the characters face.  The story is moving  and hard to put  down.   Thank you to the publisher , author, netgalley for allowing me to   read and review this wonderful  book.  It is well written. i will share my review with  goodreads, bookbub, Barnes and Noble,, facebook, my blog, books a million.  


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