Stone Wall by Beverly Lewis

 # The Stone Wall  #  by  Beverly Lewis is an Amish Christian  fiction book.   Beverly is a best selling author and  has  written many  books. Some of her  books have become movies.   Stone Wall is  set in Strasburg.  , Pennsylvania.. Strasburg is  an Amish town which has  Old Amish  roots.  The Old Amish  were more traditional and did not use electricity  or  drive cars.  Anna the  main character  is kind and caring. She   volunteers  her  time at a horse therapy place for  special needs kids.  She  sees  the value of the horse therapy and  is  so supportive of the  kids she works with.  The themes in the story  are  sacrificial  love, faithfulness.  The story is beautifully written.   This  story  has good character qualities in it.  Thank you to netgalley, the author and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.  I  will post my review on facebook, Amazon,  Goodreads, Bookbub, Barnes and Noble, Books a Million,   , my blog.  


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