Victory over the Darkness by Dr. Neil Anderson

Victory  over  the Darkness by Neil  T.  Anderson is a Christian nonfiction book.  Dr.  Neil Anderson is the founder and president emeritus  of Freedom in Christ  Ministries  .  Freedom in Christ Ministries is in   forty countries. Dr.  Anderson was a chairman of the Practical Theology Department at Talbot  School of  Theology. He has  five  earned degrees including  two doctorates. This book is a revised  edition  of   the  book.  He  teaches  Christians the importance of knowing who they are in Christ. He wants us to walk in victory in our Christian life.   This book was given to me for review purposes only.  The opinions are my own.  Thank you to the author , publisher  for allowing me to read and review this book.   I will share my review with facebook, Amazon, my blog, Bookbub,  Goodreads.


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