Get Your Mind Right by Todd Durkin

#Get Your Mind Right#  by Todd Durkin  is a non fiction inspirational Christian book.   Todd Durkin is an international strength, speed and conditioning  coach, personal trainer,  body worker and motivational speaker. He is also  an author.  He founded   Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego.   His  book motivate and  encourage  people to  watch  their mind  set  when they approach  fitness.   He  gives important points to consider  when He considers the mind set.   His  principles  have    worked   well for  very successful athletes like  Drew Brees. Drew Brees wrote the introduction in this book. He  shared  how much  Todd Durkin  has helped him   . Thank you to the author, netgalley, the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.   I will post my review on Amazon, facebook, Bookbub, my blog,  Goodreads, for  church staff. 


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