A Life Once Dreamed by Rachel Fordham

#A Life Once Dreamed " by  Rachel  Fordham  is an historical  romance  Christian book.  Rachel Fordham has written two  other historical fiction books.    Her characters are  very personal   and make a difference in their world.  The story   takes place in  the Dakota territory  in  Penance.  Penance is a logging and mining  town.   The   town is  small and the people  all know each other.    Agnes Pratt is  school teacher  in Penance . She  cares for  each student in a personal  and  caring way. She is  very devoted.  to her students.  The characters and setting are well described.  People in the town of Penance  take  time for each other.    The  story  takes place during the  time of  horrible scarlet fever pandemic  era..   Agnes  or Miss. Agnes  takes a key   part in helping  the people through  this  difficult time.   The story is  beautiful, rich,  and   stands for  good   Christian principles and character.  Thank you  to the author, netgalley, the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.   I  highly recommend this  book. I hope it is a huge success. 


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