When Pain is real and God is Silent by Ligon Duncan

#When Pain is Real and God Seems Silent# by  Ligon Duncan  is a Christian Living  book.  Ligon  Duncan is the  Senior Pastor of  the First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS.  He is also  the Chancellor and John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; President of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and past Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America. When  we   face difficult  trials it  is easy to wonder where God is.  and question our  faith.   The author  talks about  how hard trials can be in life.  The Psalms can bring comfort and renewed strength in our trials.  Ligon  encourages us to look to  the Psalms can  reassure us that God is with us and  so us that He is with  us and cares for us. This book is  short  but  can really help during our difficult times. The author  uses  Psalms 88, 89  to  show us God's character and help during difficult times.   Thank you to the publisher and author for allowing me to read and review this book. The opinions are  my own and not given to me by anyone else.  I look forward to sharing my review on Amazon, facebook, netgalley, my blog, bookbub, Goodreads.


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