Thriving in love and money by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn

"Thriving in  Love and Money"  by  Shaunti   and Jeff Feldhahn  is  a nonfiction, Christian  self help book on love and money. Shaunti   got a graduate  degree from Harvard. She  has  written lots of best selling books on relationships, a devotional series. She has been on the Today Show as  well.   She   also does  speaking engagements.  Jeff has  coauthored several of  Shaunti's books.  This  book is written from  research about men and women related to love and money.  This book addresses  key  issues with love and money   women and men  face in their marriages.  The issues are addressed from the perspective    of men and women.  So often men and women do not understand   how  each other  thinks on theses issues.  It is important to learn   how  each other  thinks .  After   the man and woman understand how each other thinks they can be  open and  honest with each other without barriers. Marriages will  be deeper and more satisfying  if  the  barriers can be overcome.   There is a DVD set to  go with this book and a discussion guide.   This book  would be  good for newly engaged couples and  couples who  are already married. Thank you  to the publisher and author for allowing me to read and review this book. It is a very helpful resource for counselors,  married couples, pastors,  and engaged couples.   This book was given to me for review purposes  and the opinions are my own. 


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