Stay with Me by Becky Wade

Stay  With Me by Becky Wade is a Christian fiction  book.  This book is  first in the Misty River  series starts off with excitement.   Becky  Wade  won the Christy and Carol awards.    the reader  will be drawn into the trials of Genevieve .  very early in  the book. The  predominant themes are forgiveness, grace, romance.   Sam Turner is   faithful and supportive  . There is also a family  mystery for Genevieve to  solve.   She works with her sister to solve the puzzle.   How will it turn out?    How will  they resolve their questions?  The   characters, scenes are  described well .   The book is  w ell written.   I look forward to   the  next book in the series.   Thank you  to the publisher, netgalley for  allowing me to read and review this book.  The opinions are my own.   I will post my  review on facebook, Amazon,  my blog, bookbub, kobo,  for our church staff. 


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