Staying Power by Carol and Gene Kent and David and Cindy Lambert

Staying Power  is  written  by Carol , Gene  Kent and  Cindy and David  Lambert.  Staying Power is a nonfiction Christian book .   Carol Kent is  a best selling  author and international speaker.  She is  the president and  founder of Speak up Speaker  and the founder and director of  Speak up Conferences. She and her husband founded Speak up for  Hope which is a  nonprofit organization that   benefits inmates and their families.  Her website is   She has  been a radio host and is frequently asked to   speak on Television broadcasts and radio shows. Cindy Lambert is a freelance writer and  executive editor for Baker Books.   This book is  well written and gives  excellent strategies to  stay  in your marriage through  the many stresses in life. The Lambert's and Kent's  share personal stories that tie into  the chapter and strategy they  and writing about. There are  also  personal stories  of   other people   in each  chapter.  The  strategies  in each chapter are helpful  for strengthening a marriage. The book  addresses forgiveness, anger, guilt free time outs,  using weakness for strength. There are excellent help  sheets in the back of the book that address lots of   problems like infertility, addictions, a child who is   in jail,  and many  other   issues. The   cheat sheets guide  people  on how to walk through   many difficulties and be stronger  as they  go through it all.    The  Kent's  have a son in jail . As a result, they  have learned how to   work together in their  marriage  through   the daily challenges  they face with  a son in jail.   The authors  encourage  the reader to use their scars   for strength and a positive means in their marriage. This book is  an excellent  resource for pastors, counselors and for  any Christian marriage. I was given this book by the  publisher to read and review. The opinions are my own.


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