The Keys to Powerful Prayer by Stormie Omartian

"The Keys to Powerful Prayer" by Stormie Omartian is a practical book. This book gives practical step by  step approaches for  different  kinds of prayer.  Our world needs prayer now more than ever.  We  are guided to  be the most effective in this  helpful book.  This   book can be used daily for any Christian, pastor, counselor for their prayer life. Stormie Omartian has  written many  best selling books on prayer. She is  also an international speaker.  She has a website  called  She  addresses different prayer needs  in her books like: The Power of the Praying Wife, The Power of the Praying Parent, The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children.  Thank you to the  publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.  The opinions are  my own.  I will post my review on Amazon, netgalley, Goodreads, Amazon, facebook, my blog and ;for church staff.


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