Out of the Embers by Amanda Cabot

"Out of the Embers " by Amanda  Cabot  takes place in 1850.  This book is the  first book in the Mesquite Springs series. The  series is historical fiction. Evelyn  Radcliffe is the main character. She  cares for Polly who lived in an orphanage.  Evelyn used to work in the orphanage.  Evelyn  shows  a lot of character  by taking   care of Polly who was an orphan.  The story takes place in the Texas Hill Country.  There are horses  there and it is wild. Evelyn seeks to provide a safe  and comfortable  life for Polly.  There  are many different   conflicts  that  come her way she has to deal with  to more forward with her life.  This story is well written.  Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.  I will post my review on Amazon, facebook, netgalley, Goodreads, my blog, for the church staff.


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