Becoming the next Generation by Jonathan Catherman

"Becoming  the  Next  Great Generation"   by Jonathan Catherman is   a  Christian  nonfiction book.  The  author   tries to   help the  younger generation connect with the older  generation.  He    shares how  things   were different for the older generation. He  helps to bridge the gaps in the generations.  He   shows the value of  stewardship before leadership.  He  shows how the older  generation  can  benefit the  younger generation and in the end  the younger generation will be more successful.   In the end the  younger generation can become more successful that the older generation. Jonathan Catherman is an author of  eight books. He is  the  Founder and Director of  I M Mentoring Foundation. His company  provides  mentoring  skills for the younger generation.  Thank you to the  publisher , author, netgalley for allowing me to read and review  this book.  The opinions are my own.  I will post  my review on Amazon,  netgalley, Goodreads,  Barnes and Noble, facebook and  for our church staff. 


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