Star of Persia by Jill Eileen Smith

"Star of Persia"  by  Jill Eileen Smith  is a Biblical  Fiction  book. This book shows what   life was like during Xerxes  reign.  The  reader will  feel like  they  are stepping into life during that time.  Esther is  well described.  She has   a  strong character with  being honorable , honest, having integrity, loyal.  The reader will understand the risks  Esther  lived with.  She  protected her  Jewish people  from horrible danger.   The back round of Esther  is well researched.  The  author   wrote this book well and will help the  reader  feel like they have stepped into life during that time. I commend her for a job well done.  Thank you to netgalley, the publisher, author  for allowing me to read and review this  book.  I will be posting my review on netgalley, Goodreads,  my blog, facebook, our church staff.


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