What if God has other plans by Charles Swindoll

What if  God  has  other plans"  by  Charles  Swindoll   is a non fiction book.  Charles Swindoll is a  pastor and wrote  this book from  very successful  sermons. He   many   unexpected  issues  that  can turn our lives around.   Some of  these unexpected issues are: sudden loss,  betrayal, caring for a family  member with a disability and many other issues.  He   explained the issue in a very personal  way.  He     ties  scripture into the   issue to help  us  see  life from God's  perspective.   These  issues   can send us spinning and   wondering how to handle our lives.  He   gives  very personal and practical  examples  that  help  the reader  cope with their trials.  The   book is a great  resource for the Christian  facing  various  trials.  I appreciate the publisher and  netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book. I will send my review to Goodreads, Amazon,  facebook, my blog, CBD.com and  to   the church staff. .


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