God's Hostage by Andrew Brunson

"God's  Hostage"  by  Andrew   Brunson is a true  story.  Andrew and His  wife  Norine    were asked by  their  mission organization to  go to  Turkey   as missionaries in 1993.  They  set up a church  and  also helped many refugees from  Syria.  They  often encountered people who had never  heard about  Jesus.  Many people there  did  not know how to become a Christian.  Many people in  Turkey are Muslim  and   the  Muslim  religion is  very  strong there. Their   work in Turkey always  put   them at  risk.  In  2016    Norine and Andrew were arrested.    Norine  was  released after  about 2 weeks.  Andrew  was held  for a longer  sentence.  He  encountered many trials while in prison. He  was  accused  of many   false  charges  ;such as,  being a spy,  of  starting a coup,  and  any other   possible charge  .  This  book is really inspiring .  How  did  Andrew survive   being in prison?  I  commend  Andrew for  sharing his story in this book.  I  know  it  was not easy to relive the  difficulties of  his imprisonment.  It  is good for people to be aware of   how unfair it is to imprison and  charge  someone like  Andrew with unfair  charges. I appreciate   netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.  I am not obligated to give a positive review.  I highly recommend this book. It is very riveting.  I will be  posting my review on facebook,  Goodreads, my blog, CBD.com,  and  also  share it with   our church staff. 


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