Praying the Names of Jesus by Tony Evans

"Praying the Names of Jesus"  by   Tony  Evans is a practical and personal devotional.The devotional   progresses in  alphabetical order.  It  starts out with a verses.  In the next  section  it  progresses to  adoration and what  that means with that name.   The  reader next  confesses  sin that goes with that name. After  that   there is  thanksgiving for how  Jesus is that name for us.  The  name ends with  supplication.   The  reader  asks for  prayer needs that fit  the name  they  are reading about.  We  can have a deeper and more connected relationship with  Jesus  by learning and applying  the meaning of His names to our life.  This  devotional is well written and practical.  Thank you to the publisher , netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.  I will  be sharing my review with  Amazon, facebook,, my blog, Goodreads.  I  am hoping this book will  be  as helpful to others as it has  been to me. 


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