Be The Bridge Pursuing God's Heart For Racial Reconciliation by Latasha Morrison

"Be The Bridge Pursing God's  Heart  for Racial Reconciliation" by  Latasha Morrison   is  an important   book for our world.  We live in a world  within and outside the church with racial divisions.  I  commend Latasha  for starting the nonprofit   organization that  addresses   the racial divisions in our church and world. Latasha  speaks  all over  the US to address  the need for reconciliation. Be  The  Bridge  involves  small groups that  address  racial reconciliation  by  using  this book and developing   discussions within the group.  It is important   that we move   from racial divisions to racial reconciliation.   Will you be the bridge to our world?   This book was given to me by the publisher and netgalley to read and review.  I  am thankful for the opportunity to read and review this book. I am sending my review to  Amazon, Goodreads, facebook, my blog, . I hope the book   is successful.


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