Out of Zion by Lisa Brockman

Out of  Zion"   is a  nonfiction book  by  Lisa  Brockman.  Lisa  was  raised a 6th generation    Mormon.  She  learned  all the  traditions and regulations  required  as  she grew up Mormon.  She   worked hard at  her classes and also was on the tennis team and  also  attended the Mormon church faithfully.   She  dated a guy  in college who was  Christian.  She   went through a  period where she questioned   her Mormon  beliefs.  She had trouble  getting her answers.  She  was not allowed or permitted to  question her beliefs. She   got  some books  to help her  with her  questions. One of the books  was  Beyond Mormonism.  She  also  attended  Campus  Crusade for Christ when she was in college. Over time  she  learned  the difference between  the Mormon vs  Christian beliefs. She   shared  the  differences  between  Mormonism and Christianity in her book. She also  shared how her life was  changed.  This book is  really insightful . It  helps the  reader understand the  Mormon  faith.  She  shared  the  challenges of  walking away from the Mormon faith.  I  was given this book by the publisher and netgalley  to read and review. I am not obligated to write a positive review.  Thank you  for allowing me to read and review  this book.  I am posting my review on  Amazon, netgalley, Goodreads,  CBD and my blog.


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