You Belong With Me by Tara Faris

You  belong with Me" by Tara  Faris  is a Romantic  fiction book.  Realator  Hannah  Thornton wants to  help Heritage, Michigan. Her  Mother   created debts  for the town. A  businessman in the town wants to  get rid of  some of the houses and put a strip mall in their place.  She  works  towards winning a restoration grant for the town.  Luke  Johnson is in a relationship with Hannah.  They have had a friendship   since  Junior High.   Luke  is a foster child and  trying to find out who He is.  Luke  applied to  be  an assistant fire  chief  .  Will  Hannah's  goals  be accomplished to help  save the town from the  businessman's  projected   ideas?   Will Luke and Hannah's relationship last ?   This book is well written.  I  was  given this book by the publisher to read and review.  I  appreciate this opportunity.   I  will post  my review on Goodreads, facebook, Amazon,,my blog and also  the church staff.


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