Raising Successful Teens by Jeffrey Dean

Today is the release day for Raising Successful Teens by Jeffrey Dean. Jeffrey Dean is a teen and family culture expert,He has written twenty - five books and is also a pastor, motivational leader. He has a podcast for parents. This book is a wonderful resource for parents. He helps parents understand the difficulties teens face in our culture. He points to ways to keep communication open. He targets areas that can damage teens and alerts parents to watch out for those areas. He discusses how to make dinner time meaningful.The book opens the parent to ways to have a better relationship with your teen. Jeffrey directs the parent in how to shape and guide their teens to walk with God and be more successful in dating, friendships, how to deal with the challenges of social media. He even discusses the more difficult topics of dating sex, porn and suicide. I would recommend this book for youth leaders, parents, high school and Junior High leaders. .His website :https://jeffreydean.com has podcasts, articles,books, family tools and coaching ideas. I was given this book by the publisher to read and review this book. I am not obligated to give a positive review.


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