King's Shadow by Angela Hunt

 King's  Shadow  by  Angela   Hunt  is a Biblical  fiction book.  It  is the  4th and final book in the Silent Years  Series.   Salome  is  Herod's  only  sister.  She is the King's  Shadow. She is  Idumean and a Jew  and  is interior.  She   is involved in  many  conflicts and turmoil  during  Herod's  reign. She does not always  agree with Herod's  decisions  but   can not change them.  Zara , her handmaiden is  very kind and compassionate.    The characters and scenes are well described in  this book.  The reader will understand   what it was  like to live during Biblical times.   I appreciate  the publisher and author for allowing me to read and review this book.  I have posted my reviews on Goodreads,, amazon, my blog, facebook  and given it to church staff. I am not obligated  to write a positive review.


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