Fearless prayer by Craig Hazen
Here is the review about a practical and helpful Christian book on prayer.
'Fearless prayer ' is written by Craig Hazen. . The author encourages the reader to climb to deeper levels with God in prayer. He addresses the barriers that believers may have in understanding who God is and the challenges that might keep them from a deeper prayer life. He tells believers to take advantage of the command to ask anything in prayer. He feels believers do not ask and believe in prayer. He also talks about what it means to live in the vine and have our nourishment from the vine and not ourselves. We are to be dependent on the vine and not leaning on our own strength. We are to lean on God first during our daily challenges and not look to ourselves. In America we get used to looking to ourselves to solve our problems and not look to God. Dr. Hazen is a professor on apologetics at Biola and encourages believers to know God for who He is and not who we may think He is.. He challenges believer to higher levels in prayer with God . Will you allow God to bring you to higher levers! This book was give to me by ebook for review purposes by netgalley. I will be sharing my reviews with facebook, , my blog, Christian book distributors, amazon, goodreads, my pastors and a friend who is a library at a Church. Thank you for this opportunity to read this book.
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