The Love Note by Joanna Politano

 #  The Love Note#  by  Joanna  Politano  is a  Christian romance, mystery   fiction book.  This book takes  place  in the  Victorian era  in 1865  in Crestwicke Manor.    The book is written  with Willa as the narrator and from her perspective.   Willa  strongly  desires to be a doctor. She has  been  years  helping her  Dad in his medical practice.  She  has   mercy and compassion for  the sick.   She is a kind person.  The   book is written  with  beautiful prose .  It is well written. The  reader  gets an  idea of what life   was  like during the  Victorian era.   Thank you to the publisher, author and  netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.  The opinions are my own.  I  look  forward to sharing my review on Bookbub,  Barnes and Noble,  Amazon, my blog,  with church staff and   


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