Still the One by Susan May Warren and Rachel Russell

 Still The One:

Still  The One is by Susan May  Warren and Rachel  Russell.  Susan  is a best selling author. She  teaches  people how to write .  She  was received the Christy, Rita and Carol Awards!  Her books  have so much action , suspense . romance and Christian values.   that it is hard to put them down.  This book is the first in the Deep Haven series.  The setting is   a small  city on the North Shores of Minnesota.   Cole is one of the main characters. He is  a ranger and wants to be  a U.S  Marshall.   He  has  character and seeks to do what is honorable. He wants to make a difference in his world. The  themes in the book are  forgiveness, faithfulness, determination.  The characters are well described.  The   story is well written.  The  Christian truths and values are  beautifully  weaved into the story.   Thank you to Sunrise Publishing , Susan May Warren and Rachel Russell for allowing me to read and review this book.  The opinions are my own.  


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