Reach Out and Gather In by Karen Ehman

 #Reach Out  Gather In 40  days to Opening Your Heart and Home #  by Karen Ehman  is a Christian living   book.  This book is  a daily  devotional.  It  has  some great insights  for   making hospitality    part of your life. There are some  good fill in the blank sections at the end of the   devotionals. The  devotionals are practical and helpful The  questions are excellent  and helpful.  She is an  author for Proverbs  31 Ministries,  Encouragement for Today which is an online devotional. She  has written  15  books. She  has   been  on these   TV  shows , magazines social networks: TODAY Parenting,,,, and HomeLife Magazine. She  received the ECPA 2020 book of the year Settle My Soul: 100 Quiet Moments to Meet with Jesus.  Thank you to the publisher, netgalley and the author for allowing me to read and review this book.   The opinions are my own. 


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