Finding Quiet by Jamie Grace

 #Finding  Quiet#  by  Jamie  Grace  is   a Christian living book.   Jamie  Grace is   a contemporary Christian  musician.   She is honest about  dealing with  Tourette Syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, ADHD  and  anxiety  disorder.  She  shared the ups and downs in her life  and  she   dealt  with  these   difficulties.  She  was only  9 years old when she  was diagnosed  with   those conditions. She  shared  how she  handled  the struggles in front of her. It is  wonderful  she   took that time to  be honest with  people in this  book. She  will  be a good role model   for others who   struggle also.  She  shared about her marriage and  how  she handled  Thank you to the publisher,  the author and netgalley  for allowing me to read and review this book.  The  opinions are my own. 


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