Seen Known Loved by Gary Chapman and R York Moore

Seen Known Loved  by  Gary Chapman and R  York  Moore is a Christian Living book. Gary is  an author, speaker and counselor.   Gary is    the author of The 5 Love Languages® series and the director of Marriage and Family Life Consultants, Inc. Gary Travels the world presenting seminars, and his radio programs air on more than 400 stations. R  York Moore is also an author.  We  each  can  feel more  connected to  others with our love  language. This is our way of communicating and connecting with others.   When  we know our love language we can learn how to connect  more  with God and   others.   This book helps the reader  develop a deeper connection with God.  It is often hard for people to connect with  God and  if  we use   their suggestions  We will   feel more  connected with  God and grow  more in our Christian life.    The book is a great resource for  Christian  counselors, pastors,  and  any  Christian.  It is practical and helpful.  The insights are very   good. Thank you to the publisher, netgalley, the author for allowing me to read and review  this book. It is well written and   so helpful for Christians today.   the opinions are my  own. 


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