One Woman Can Change The World by Ronne Rock

#One Woman Can Change The World # by  Ronne Rock  is an inspirational Christian living book. She   shares different stories  all over the   globe  about  women.  The women she shares about  have  made a difference in very difficult situations. They have gone out of their  comfort  zones  to make the difference. They have  extended  themselves to others beyond what most people would do.   These women care  and share their hearts.   She  shares her leadership advice and  principles to encourage others to change our  world and really make a difference.  She   helps  orphans in our world and encourages others to help as well.   She   shows how Jesus can  use us to change our world .  She is  a writer , blogger and speaker. I am so thankful to  be given the opportunity to have a sneak peak at this book for review purposes.  The   book will be a great encouragement to many in our world. It  can really make a difference. The opinions are my own. Thank you to the publisher, author  , netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.


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