A Gilded Lady by Elizabeth Camden

A Gilded Lady# by  Elizabeth Camden  is  the second  book in the Hope and Glory series.   Elizabeth has    won the Rita and Christy  awards.  Before she wrote books she  was a librarian  in small and large libraries. She writes  historical fiction that  takes  place during the Gilded  Age.  The story takes place  during  the Gilded Age.  The setting is Washington, D. C. The  story  takes place  during  President  McKinley's  presidency.    The  book is well researched.  The author  uses  true details  to  show the reader  what life was like during his presidency.    The characters and settings are well described. Thank you  to   the publisher, netgalley and the author for allowing me to read and review this well written book.   I  really liked the book.  I liked learning  about President  McKinley's presidency.  The opinions are my own and   the  hope the book is successful.   


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